Summer Style: Bohemian Dress

Hello Kittens! How is your Summer going?! Today I want to share with you this beautiful Bohemian Maxi Dress from JaMerry .
Holii! Hoy os quería enseñar este precioso vestido de estilo bohemio/boho de  JaMerry .

Dream dress, it's so stunning! Do you like maxi dresses? I used to hate them some years back, but now I can say that I really love them 😍. I was always afraid they were going to be 'too long' for me, since I'm a short girl, they were always too long and I used to drag them around the floor. 
But now I eather wear proper heels or I wrap some of the extra fabric around a belt.

Me parece un vestido de ensueño, súper bonito.Os gustas los vestidos largos? A mi no me hacían ni pizca de gracia, ya que soy bajita y siempre he tenido que ir arrastrándolos por que me iban demasiado largos... Pero ahora o bien me pongo zapatos de tacón, o lo que hago que me va muy bien, es "enrollar" el tejido extra alrededor de un cinturón. De esta manera también se acentúa la cintura y se crea una forma mas fluida y adecuada para mi 

Hope you like the pics! 

Pics taken by Ale


7 comentarios:

  1. Amazing look! You are beautiful :)

    XOXO ♡


  2. What a beautiful maxi dress! It looks so great for summer! I like the teal and orange together too! :)

    Hope that your week is going well! We have a day off today for the Ekka holiday, yay!

    Away From Blue

  3. This bohemian dress is so pretty. Perfect summer combo. I love to wear maxi dresses in the summer. Thank you for sharing dear! You look beautiful.

  4. Absolutely gorgeous - you're looking beautiful in this and the outfit is absolutely stunning!

    Layla x

  5. La verdad es que es muy chulo! Y perfecto para el veranito: fresco y cómodo, pero bonito ;)
    un beso guapa

  6. Such a beautiful look! So bohemian!

    S | Je M'appelle Chanel


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