My Birthday in Paris

Hello kittens! So I'm finally going to write about the Road Trip I did during the last month of September!! First stop: Paris, France. One of my favourite cities of the wordl, and definetely a top of Europe. This is the third year in a row that I go visit this city, and I can't never have enough. It's so beautiful and romantic, I could spend hours staring at its wonderful buildings and incredible constructions. 

I was so lucky to be able to spend the day if of my Birthday (September 8th) in Paris! In front of the imponent Eiffel Tower.

It was super crowded by tourists, full of people everywhere. But we were actually quite lucky beacause it was sunny all day long and we had an amazing great weather.
I got to spend a few hours in the sourranding of the Eiffel Tower, and around de Siena River. Unfortunately I only got to spend 1 day in the city, but Paris did not end right there... The following day we went to Disneyland Paris! OMG! I will be telling you about it in the next post! 

Here are some pics that I took while we were walking around 


12 comentarios:

  1. What a great way spend your birthday! I've never been to Paris, but it's definitely on my list of cities to visit. Planning an overseas vacation to Germany next year (family visit), it's on my mind to stop by for a visit in Paris, but not sure if it's possible. Time with family is always so short and precious, and Paris is several hours away from where my family lives.
    You look gorgeous in this outfit, perfect for a day in Paris!
    Ellibelle's Corner

    1. Thank you so much for your comment darling! I would really recommend you to stop by Paris if you have the chance to! It's such a beautiful city... But I also understand that family time is really important. Maybe it would be better to plan a single visit to Paris trip next time!

  2. OMG! I absolutely love Paris. I dream about visit Paris in a future.
    You look happy! I enjoyed this post. <3

    1. Thank you so much beautiful! Paris is one of my favorite cities, and I really recommend you to go if you have the chance dear!

  3. Paris is sooo beautiful!


  4. Beautiful photos.

  5. Most beautiful birthday destination! Pretty photos!

    1. Yayy! I was so lucky and I really appreciate it. Thank you dear!

  6. Happy belated birthday beautiful! So great you got to spend it in Paris. You look so lovely in this romantic styling.


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