The Libster Award

First of all, I would like to thank Summer Love for nominating me. I really appreciate it since I have spent a short amount of time blogging, and now I want to dedicate it extra time.

1. What is your blog about?
My blog is about my personal style, my life, my adventures... I think it is kind of a personal diary, or at least that's what I try :)

2. How do you add a personal touch to your blog?
I add personal touches by writing individual experiences, nothin really crazy. Just normal stuff, normal thing that I get to do on my every day, those little detail that define me as a person.

3. So far, which one of your blog posts you like the most?
I don't have many posts, but I have many posts that I like. But if I had to choose one out of them, it would be my first post: Fringe West.

4. What makes you thrive in life?
Motivation. I will keep going as long as I have passion about something. I have to live to enjoy the people that I love, the things that I like... That's what makes me thrive in life.

5. Describe your blog in one sentence.
Nothing serious, but I hope you take it seriously.

6. Who were your favorite bloggers of 2015?

-Masha Sedwick

7. What song best describes you?
Bruno Mars - Granade

8. Do you have a nickname?

9. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go?
I would go anywhere, I love to travel. But right now I would like to visit Bali or Cali.

10. What are your favorite movies?

I have so many favorite movies. Cinema is actually one of my passions. So I am going to pick up 3 old time faves of mine:
1. Inception
2.Shawshank Redemption
3.Pulp Fiction
I really recommend them to anyone who hasn't seen them!

My nominees are everyone who wants to answer the following questions:

1. How would you describe your blog?
2. What do you like most about blogging?
3.What are your favorite movies?
4.Where are you from/where do you live?
5.What do you like most about you?
6.What is your favorite book?
7.What kind of music do you like to listen to?
8.Do you practice any sport?
9.Favorite TV series/show?
10. What are your expectations for the future?


2 comentarios:

  1. Thanks for accepting the award! You have a really nice blog. :)

  2. Bruno Mars, ja das ist ein mega Lied! :)

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